Monday 30 November 2015

Is a deal in sight?

I've returned home to Eazrah to follow what's shaping up to be the planet's largest climate change conference in history, the Conference of the Parties (COP) 21. Delegates from nearly 200 nations are meeting to broker an international deal on how to tackle climate change and keep global temperature rises to a safe level.

Ahead of the talks geoengineering has gained mixed media attention: some scientists peddling it as a fall-back should emissions not fall fast enough, others warning of its perils.

A major question will be whether countries will be able to pledge to cut their greenhouse gas emissions low enough to ensure global warming doesn't reach dangerous levels. If they cannot come to an agreement, then removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or reducing incoming solar radiation may be the only other option.

It will certainly be interesting to see the outcome of the talks, and whether there is any support for geoengineering by their close.

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